Sharing The Music
Chris McDonald
The music of Chris McDonald
Chris’s music can be appreciated on different levels.
You might simply enjoy the beauty of Chris’s heartfelt melodies and the resonant quality of his singing voice …
OR …
The lyrics might strike a deeper chord, providing insight and inspiration to those who share Chris’s quest to understand and realise a higher purpose in this earthly experience.
The first album to be posted, titled “How many moments – songs of healing and inspiration”, features a collection of 15 original songs written over several decades and recently re-recorded in Chris’s home studio. More albums will follow.
In the spirit of “sharing the music”, all songs on the first posted album can be downloaded FREE OF CHARGE. A CD version has also been produced and is available for purchase. (See details under “Shop” tab on menu bar).
The website is still a work in progress and the intention is to eventually also post the creative works of other friends and fellow seekers who similarly embrace music, meditation and mysticism (Sound, Song and Silence) as a way of discovering and expressing “Who we TRULY are”.